Predictions of 2022
In December of last year, Youtube channel MostAmazingTop10 posted a video titled Top 10 2022 Predictions That Will Make You Wanna Stay In 2021 (linked below). In the video, the host discusses what she thinks are something that we will need to be worried about in the coming year, which we are currently in. I chose this video because I wanted to see if some of it had already started to come true. I decided to keep it short to choose the top three that I predict will be something to look out for in 2022. Check out the video below to see everything they predicted.
According to, a cyber security threat “refers to any possible malicious attack that seeks to unlawfully access data, disrupt digital operations, or damage information.” In the past few years, a few different attacks have caused sensitive data to be exposed. A few years back, Marriott International informed the public that hackers had penetrated their servers and stole the data of about 500 million customers. Cyberattacks have tripled in the past year and a half. Installing anti-malware software is really important to do this day in age.

The next prediction they made in the video is climate war. Personally, I believe this is something we already face. When I mention to my mom about eating less meat to reduce meat production that pollutes our ozone, she always replies cows don’t cause climate change.

Regardless of the statistics, I show her, climate change will never be a worry for her. In her defense, at least she believes in global warming. Only 69% of Americans believe that global warming is happening. That almost guarantees that the other 31% of Americans are making no effort to help. To learn more about climate change, check out the article here to learn about all the little things that you could do to help.
The last prediction I want to talk about isn’t necessarily one I think will happen, but it is something we hear about in the news a lot. That being a nuclear war. Since the first nuclear bomb was used in Hiroshima, Japan, nuclear war has been something people worry about anytime there is a threat of war. Just recently, Russian officials ran by Putin sent troops to overtake Ukraine. For years, Russia has been lining its borders with the militia. They have begun to bomb Ukraine driving innocent citizens out of their homes.
NATO has tried to step in, but Putin threatened “those who may be tempted to intervene.” (video below) It is estimated that Russia has around 1,600 to 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons that are built for short-range and on battlefields. Because Russia is very secretive about its stockpile, it is hard to know how many they actually have. Again, I don’t think this is necessarily going to happen, but with someone who may be mentally ill or just downright evil in charge, there is no way to know what will trigger him.
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